La Macina di San Cresci

La Macina di San Cresci

La Macina di San Cresci is a magical place in the hearth of Tuscany. Each year artists travel from all over areas of the world to develop and shares their artistic vision in this historical rural place.

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Our Activities

We organize art project, publish books, print a newspaper and feature the events through videos.
Life at La Macina isn't limited only to working.
Our place also offers a wide range of entertainment events.

Our Projects


The aim of the contest was to highlight through photography:the rural landscapes and architecture associated with this magnificent crop,old mills with heavy millstones,work,the rites of collection and milling,the color of the oil,the objects that traditionally are related to it,oil and...


E’ una Mostra – Concorso Fotografico.Con questa iniziativa si vuole testimoniare la capacità di costruire attraverso manifestazioni culturali di alto profilo una fruizione completamente differente del turismo partendo da una delle zone più suggestive della Toscana.

Slow Movie Contest

Slow Movie Contest is a contest of short films about Chianti, which aims to make art a means of promoting the territory, making use of young directors who are required to use the video tool as a communication language.

Slow Road

SLOW ROAD is an experimental project in the area of Greve in Chianti; it aims to strengthen the territory through works of contemporary art and to increase the use of the routes.


Freedom to create in a historical place

La Macina di San Cresci
Pieve di San Cresci 1
50022 Greve in Chianti (FI)

Telefono: + 39 055 8544793

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